

Business in Singapore are actively seeking a secure and professional security solution services to support, track and manage their daily influx visitor in and out of the building. It is a simple affordable visitor registration log management hardware & software solution which can elevate your visitor’s arrival and customer service experience at your company.

With obsolete paper-based Visitor log book, arriving visitors are normally needed to personally hand-fill their personal information. This offers no data security as visitor’s private information such as NRIC & company names are left unprotected out in the open, which can be easily taken advantage of by arriving corporate espionage. This also give unnecessary free access throughout the building facility.

With a presentable and secure visitor management system & web-based visitor card management solution from Union Security, it offers an effective identity information data tracking process. This also allowed visitors to have a seamless and enjoyable visit check in experience, with no need for your front desk office employee to fill up or print out any visitor form.

Challenges of Tracking and Managing Visitors

Typically on any given day, small businesses and companies in Singapore receive a diverse array of visitors, ranging from 3rd party vendors, service support contractors, family members, volunteers, courier delivery personnel, customers, business associates, overseas colleagues, staff, guests, government officials, competitors, and many other temporary groups of unknown people who do not have a prior appointment with anyone in the company.

Uses Of VMS

This gives rise to the urgent need for a visitor management solution to effectively authenticate and pro-actively monitor the people coming in and out of your business on a daily basis, as you cannot foresee with absolute certainty where your visitors will go and whether they have any malicious intent. With the rapidly evolving security landscape over the recent years and rising incidences of unconventional threats of terrorism to homeland security, businesses have to stay vigilant to constantly identify threats, keep up with the ever-evolving security threats.

Prevention In Visitor Management System

Any exposure to security design vulnerabilities has to be addressed and mitigated with a visitor pass management system to prevent any costly financial losses from any criminal acts, such as theft of company intellectual assets, or injury of staff within your organization.

Basic features

• Pre-registration of visitors/contractors with a validity date range.

• Banned list to allow reception counter to monitor blacklisted names.

• Tracks purpose of visit, location of visit, check-in and out timings.

• Transaction reports with various search criteria and date ranges.

• Reports can be exported to MS Excel and PDF.

• Ability to recognize each visitors’ record uniquely through a hashing algorithm, make subsequent visits be processed faster.

• Manual/auto purging of old transactions by X days.

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